

Company | Poland

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Bin-e is an AI-based smart waste bin, designed for office spaces and smart buildings, enabling them to achieve efficiency in waste management and reach green strategy goals. It combines most advanced technology to simplify recycling and facilitate the transition to a circular economy.


It sorts and compresses the waste automatically, controls the fill level and processes data for convenient waste management. The smart waste bin recognizes the type of waste thanks to an AI-based recognition system and sorts it to the relevant chamber. Plastics and papers are compressed to decrease the volume. The collection service gets notified automatically when one of the bins inside is full.  Each device can be easily managed via an app that shows the fill level of each bin, real-time data and summary statistics. An integrated IoT-Platform provides valuable insights into waste management operations that can be used to optimize collection routes, and save costs, time and labour of waste disposal. 


Bin-e is an excellent solution for easy and resource-efficient recycling in smart buildings. It enables the recovery of high-quality raw material and the reduction of CO2 emissions of waste transport.

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