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You might have heard that dogs are able to detect disease with their noise, e.g. high and low blood glucoe levels. BOYDSense is developing a non invasive health monitoring platform starting with Diabetes. We put the power of the dogs noise into patients hand and give them access to a gentle, non invasive and affordable device, therefore our device name is Lassie, like the dog from the series in the 80s.

Current technologies used for daily measurement of Diabetes are not user friendly, as you neerd to prick your finger up to 6-8 times per day or stick an adhesive in your arm or belly. All existing solutions are very expensive and are producing a lot of waste. 

Our glucose measurement technologies and products are 100% non-invasive and accurate, which makes us unique.

Our device is the small and discrete pocket-size Lassie™ breath analyser. For centuries smell has been used by humans to diagnose illness. Several times per minute, there is an incredible amount of information released into the air by our bodies. Lassie captures this information to reinvent care.

Lassie is a breakthrough, non-invasive medical device for people with diabetes and prediabetes. Its analysis will measure Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath, providing information about current glucose level.

Lassie will replace the existing,invasive and painful finger-pricking Blood Glucose Meters(BGM) to become new standard of medical care in daily diabetes management

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