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BORTEK Boron Technologies and Mechatronic INC

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BORTEK® Boron Technologies and Mechatronic Inc. is a R&D Company and was established in the Eskişehir Technopark, Turkey, in 2006. BORTEK®’s mission is to develop products for energy efficiency, a sustainable environment and healthy living.

BORTEK® has conducted many R&D studies in both the chemical and biological areas. During experiments, an important substance to effectively halt the onset of OA was accidentally discovered. The innovative medical breakthrough, KnfleX® cream, was thereby first developed. It includes high purity biocompatible specially synthesized hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) (99.97%) ) as an active ingredient.

It has huge experience in hBN and its final products. BORTEK® is a leader in the development and production of technological boron products, which have already been registered. There are a total of twenty patent applications, ten of which are abroad

BORTEK®’s unique value proposition is that KnfleX®, with wide-spectrum effects, relieves pain, improves movement and halts the progress of OA without the need for analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents or organic lubricant.


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