

Company | Paris, France




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BLUEPULSE’s Artificial Intelligence help the shipping industry save billions. 

Our solutions transform data into actionable insights and useful information, such as predictive maintenance, energy & CO² optimization for reefers (refrigerated containers), container contamination alerts and context.

We can track and report standard compliant carbon credits, and help the industry offset most of their taxes.

We can predict energy use with ±1% error rate, for any reefers traveling the world. Our analytics run on any IoT available (T°, GPS and energy) and it does not rely on a specific hardware implementation, making this technology ubiquitous for all IoT services currently in operation.

By comparing predicted and actual energy usage, the technology can detect technical and operational issues (reefers will use more energy when they need maintenance, or when not properly used), qualify this issues and send notifications to prevent operations to send the defaultive unit out to sea without fixing the issues


Predictive maintenance solution for cooling systems and digital twins

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