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BIOsens unique value proposition is that we make mycotoxins testing process accurate, rapid, and easy to perform at the same time.

BIOsens device provides customers with the ability to get quantitative results onsite with the same accuracy as laboratory solutions within only 21 minutes instead of days when they need to send samples to the laboratory. Therefore, clients save money avoiding mycotoxins contamination in crops, protect the animals’ health from mycotoxicosis, improve the process of decision-making by proceeding with the operations faster, and ensuring the quality of supplies.

BIOsens developed the world’s first portable mycotoxins detection device allowing farmers, traders, and food processing companies (grains) to test products for mycotoxin contamination 100 times faster and onsite.

The product consists of a detection device with unique optical elements, disposable cartridges and software, developed utilizing a set of proprietary AI algorithms. The testing process conducts advanced analytics and predicts future mycotoxins contamination.


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