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Company | Switzerland

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Naturetech to feed the world - We exist to improve the quality of life of people and animals, by rebalancing the natural system to solve food and environment problematics, providing a lasting tangible impact for the world and future generations.

Microorganisms are the building blocks of life, and actually do represent about 90% of the world biodiversity. So, it became natural to us that the most important thing to do was to keep these microorganisms happy and properly functioning in order for the world to continue sustain life even with today’s growing population and food demand.

This is why, back in the 1980s, we started to research and develop ways to stimulate the optimal functioning of these natural organisms for improving the quality of food production while rebalancing and preserving the environment. Since 1990 we are delivering microbiological solutions getting to the root cause of environmental issues and solving them once and for all.

Today we efficiently foster the functionality of these building blocks to solve environmental challenges and improve the quality and quantity of production for farming, livestock, food, wine and beer. Our systems restore natural cycles, rebalancing unbalanced situations, using the tools of nature in a non-invasive way thus ensuring environmental sustainability.

This is the concept of “Nature technologized.”


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