
Aximmetry Technologies Ltd.

Company | Hungary

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Aximmetry Studio Ltd.is a 4-year old independent private company. The founding developers of AXIMMETRY have developed proprietary state of the art software solutions for the use in visual media and entertainment, which constitute the basis of AXIMMETRY’s products and solutions.

These solutions are:

     Aximmetry Studio: A new generation of Broadcast Graphics and Virtual Studio technology which utilizes the advantages of the commercially available latest graphics technologies. More complex, realistic and even interactive virtual objects and studio spaces together with the camera picture and the live broadcast picture can be played and modified together in real time. Aximmetry Studio is an enterprise solution including software, hardware, and services.

     Aximmetry Stage: Aximmetry Stage is used for real-time visualization purposes at theatres, concert halls and similar performance institutions such as exhibitions. It can drive multiple displays or project live scenes and provide the technical basis for interactive performances. It can be used as a live video art solution or also as an augmented reality solution, thus can entirely change the audio-visual experience. It makes possible that the video mixes are compiled and played real time.

All these product lines are based on the same core concept and technology, the Aximmetry Graphics Engine, Graphics editor and intuitive, purpose optimized graphical user interfaces. 


System Integrator & Content Creator

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