
Askoli srl

Company | Belgium

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About your organization

askOLI is a shopping assistant saving a family €1.000/y and countless hours, while providing brands a deep insight in the shopping journey.

While others focus on a niche such as cashbacks, promotion folders or price comparison, askOLI covers all deals a consumer has access to - up to their employee benefits. We work together with several large employers and member organisations, improving the usage of their benefit program with 500%.

We're present in the consumer's web browser from the moment of inspiration until the final purchase of any item.

The advantage for the consumer is they never have to search for the best deal, askOLI does the work for them in the background.

The advantage for us is that we don't have to try to change the consumer's habits. They don't have to come to our website every time, they just search and browse as they always do, our apps will automatically recognize opportunities and act.


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