

Company | United Kingdom

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Arctoris Ltd is an Oxford-based research company that is revolutionising drug discovery for biotech companies, pharmaceutical corporations and academic centres. Arctoris has established the world's first fully automated drug discovery platform, offering pre-optimised and fully validated R&D processes for its partners and customers globally. Accessible remotely, the platform provides on-demand access to a wide range of biochemical, cell-based and molecular biology assays conducted by robotics. The Arctoris platform enables rapid, informed decision-making in basic biology, target validation, toxicology and phenotypic screening. These assay capabilities are accessed using a powerful online portal that streamlines experiment planning, ordering, tracking and data analysis. Thanks to the Arctoris platform, customers can rapidly, accurately and cost-effectively perform their research and advance their drug discovery programmes, benefitting from the numerous advantages of fully automated experimentation. Combining the latest in cellular and molecular techniques with advanced robotics, Arctoris creates a convincing solution for fast, reliable and fully compliant drug discovery.

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