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Early detection of sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is a worldwide phenomenon, 1 to 6 kids are sexually abused. The victims not always express themselves verbally and inform their guardians that they need help, because of guilt or shame. Professionals lack tools for detecting sexual abuse.

What we do:

Anima was created in order to detect children who are suffering from sexual abuse at an early stage based on interpretations of their drawings. Children who have been sexually abused are not always able to express themselves.

There are many cases where pediatricians who examine patients can sense something is wrong unfortunately, the signs of injury on the victim’s body may not always indicate the real problem.

Children’s drawings are a proven model to subconsciously verbalize feelings and unspoken truths that may be hard to detect. Studies show that fatal child sexual abuse in the U.S. costs up to $1.5 million per child throughout their lifespan. For non-fatal cases of child sexual abuse, the estimated lifetime cost is $282,734 per female victim and $74,691 for male victims.

A report from CPS (Child Protective Services) in the USA reveals that there have been more than 4 million referrals involving alleged maltreatment in 2016.

The referrals were examined by 32,000 CPS experts which than revealed 676K victims. The annual cost for Child Maltreatment in the United States are approximately $93B and for sexual abuse $9B per year.


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