
Amiral Technologies

Company | France

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Amiral Technologies specialises in Artificial Intelligence solutions for industrial Predictive Maintenance and Quality Control: Prediction of Defects, Aging and Remaining Useful Life of industrial equipment.

Our unique innovation in Automatic Feature Generation allows extraction of highly discriminant State-of-Health indicators from any time-based and transitional signal (electric signal, temperature, vibration, …). These indicators feed into our innovative Machine Learning-based predictive models and use supervised and unsupervised learning to achieve unprecedented performance in terms of high prediction and low false alert rates.

Amiral Technologies is a spin-off of the French National Research Centre (CNRS), winner of the 2018 editions of the Digital Industry Award (Siemens and Atos) and of the Digital Industry Program (GE) and ranked in the top 500 Deep Tech startups by the ‘Hello Tomorrow’ program.


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