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ANF Development OU

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ANF Development OÜ is a wholly owned subsidiary of ANF Technology Limited, a UK registered company.  ANF Development is the production and sales arm of ANF Technology and produces the NAFEN alumina nano fiber and enhanced resin dispersions based on that technology. 

NAFEN dramatically increases the performance of products based on these polymer resins, which are widely used in composites, coatings and adhesives from a range of industries (e.g. Marine, aerospace, automotive, electronicis, construction, performance sports equipment, etc).

ANF works with customers to develop modified versions of their own products, which have enhanced levels of mechanical performance due to the strength of NAFEN in their systems.  Typical increases are seen between 15 and 50% in areas such as compression strength, fracture toughness, impact toughness, interlaminar shear, tensile strength, modulus, etc.  Additional benefits are increased dielectric and fire resistant properties.

ANF has also developed some stand-alone products that can be sold directly to end-users, which work as both an income stream and a proof of concept of the efficacy of NAFEN in these resin systems.

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