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ALGAENERGY is a biotech-based company exclusively focusing on the research, production, valorization and commercialization of microalgae and derived products. The company consolidates over 4 decades of deep microalgae biotechnology knowledge generated by the main specialized universities, and has invested millionaire resources exclusively in research, positioning itself as one of the main international references in this field of science. It leads or participates in international algae related R&D Projects with over 150 top-level consortium members across the globe, always as sole microalgae company. The company collaborates closely with the most reputed universities and research centers, as well as with the European Commission, who has selected and is supporting ALGAENERGY as one of the very few SMEs with the highest growth potential in Europe and of strategic importance to the continent.

In 2009 it started the research of microalgae applied to agriculture, and launched its first products in late 2015, which are now sold in more than 20 countries in all continents through 8 international subsidiaries.  

It is backed by two listed multinationals as minor shareholders, IBERDROLA (Spanish company, largest renewable energies company in the world) and YOKOGAWA (leading Japanese company in the field of industrial automation, AI, etc.), both amongst the top 100 most sustainable corporations in the world (Davos 2019). 

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