

Company | France


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3D-SHAPER, branch of Galgo Medical S.L. develops image processing software solutions to bring the 3rd dimension to standard 2D images in the medical industry, empower existing medical devices & provide relevant tools to clinicians to optimize patients' outcomes.

Its flagship product is a medical software that allows automatic 3D modeling and analysis of clinical measurements from a regular bone densitometry scan (2D DXA scan; gold-standard imaging technique for osteoporosis diagnosis and monitoring) of the hip skeletal site (major fracturing and monitoring site). It allows to seperate the cortical from the trabecular bone compartment and measure their bone density independantly - not possible using 2D. Thus adding critical information to clinicians to better appreciate their patients' health status and fragility area, and monitor individual changes across time and under pharmacological treatment.

3D-SHAPER software allows to further exploit the standard and general medical imaging system towards personalized medicine.

CE marked software, it is sold as a Software as a Service to physicians and researchers. A full pay-per-scan service is also dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry.

The company is now expanding activity worldwide & its core 2D/3D modeling technology to additional skeletal site, from similar 2D medical images (ie. from DXA), and willing to adapt it to further imaging standards to better serve needs of physicians in the orthopedic field.



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