Published at Monday, April 1, 2019 9:13 AM on the CPD-SWISS AG organization's page
CPD-SWISS Newsletter Q1-2019
EU H2020 supports CPD-SWISS Ltd.
At the beginning of 2019 CPD-SWISS Ltd. received good news from the European Commission that the submitted project H2020-SMEInst-2018-2020-1 with the title "CPD" has been approved by the EU with the award "Excellent"!
This means that the EU is convinced of the CPD-Technology and will financially support the CPD project. Of all projects in the Horizon-2020 programme submitted across Europe, only about 12%-13% of all applications are approved and pursued by the EU.
CPD SWISS LTD. has now fully established itself at its new location at Solvay (Schweiz) LTD. in Bad Wurzbach, Canton Aargau. The necessary documents for an operating permit, a detailed feasibility study and an environmental impact assessment have been prepared. The conversion of the assembly hall is planned and ready for implementation. To ensure that the first CPD-250 (series plant) can be build and installed efficiently, CPD-SWISS has brought additional partners in the assembly, industrial design and petrochemical sectors into the project.
New Website for CPD-SWISS
Since the end of 2018, our new "Homepage" www.cpd.swiss or www.cpd-swiss.ch has been available on the Internet. The information is currently available in German, English and French.
The CPD-SWISS website is regularly updated and supplemented with interesting information. It is also planned that CPD-SWISS will in future also deal with the social media and communicate development progress and milestones more broadly and regularly.
CPD-SWISS – sustainable Investment
CPD-Technology is making great strides towards series maturity and towards becoming a marketable industrial product.
"Oiling or CPD-Technology is a process for converting organic residues such as biomass, household waste, plastics, etc. into synthetic diesel oil. The process imitates the natural geological processes that have produced fossil oil over millions of years. The catalytic pressure less oiling process works under relatively low temperatures and vacuum. The use of a catalytic converter is necessary to split hydrocarbon molecules at these temperatures. Today, CPD-Technology is a recognized physical/thermochemical process and has ecological and economic advantages over alternative technologies."
"For the first time, we are offering investors the opportunity to be very close to the future market of plastics recycling and renewable energies. With our CPD-Technology, we have developed what our environment will need in the future".
Energy from Waste
"CPD-SWISS solves the problems"
Recycling plastic waste and energy from renewable waste materials is indispensable - and with the CPD process we have found the only clean, economical and sensible solution. This means that 1,000 kg of plastic waste can be turned into 700 kg of high-quality diesel fuel. This CPD-Technology covers a huge need and protects our world from littering.