
Pass Africa

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67 members

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About the community

The Pass Africa community, in partnership with the Presidential Council for Africa, is for entrepreneurs who have made Africa a priority in their development ambitions. It is exclusively reserved by invitation to Pass Africa beneficiary entrepreneurs.

Closed community, only on invitation.

This community is hosted by the Presidential Council for Africa.


Eligibility criteria for Pass Africa :

  • Minimum 2 years of existence
  • Revenues between €100k and €50m
  • High potential business model based on an innovative offer
  • Initial fundraising with BA, VC CVC, etc. 
  • Head office in France and ambitions for Africa
  • Mature management team, capable of carrying the company's ambition.


The objectives and strengths of the Pass Africa Digital Community:


  • To offer the beneficiary companies a space where they can present themselves, expose their search for partners in Africa, and interact with all the organizations - Bpifrance Export, Business France, the network of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and many others - that will support them in their deployment on the African continent,
  • Gain visibility with the different African ecosystems, companies, and organizations in the different countries.



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