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Société | France


Onglets principaux

A propos de votre organisation

An innovative French company acting in photovoltaic production equipments enabling to :

-Produce photovoltaic panels more productively, economically & flexibly

-Relocate manufacturing closer to users – Bringing renewable energy independency & reducing carbon footprint.

-Accelerate the deployment of solar energy worldwide


SOLEAN proposes breaking-through  industrial solutions for photovoltaic module assembly.

We multiply production capacity by 5 for the same effort (surface & labor) – Or reduce Opex by 5 & divide capex by 2. We bring full flexibility (product mix & batch size).

Our disruptive industrial equipment enables our customers to assemble any kind, shape & size of photovoltaic panels, addressing any end markets like : solar farms, building integrated PV, Space, Home, Urban, Transport .... with the same machine.

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