CASCADE - Elighten your crops


Company | Clamart, France




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CASCADE is a French SME founded in 2012 as a spin-off of a private research lab specialized in “Light Physics and Material intercation".

For 25 years, this lab has been working on “Light Cascade" effects that create a shift of the solar spectrum which leads to a doping of the natural process of photosynthesis in greenhouses. Cascade was created to industrialize, this unique know how and develop an environmental solution to improve the quality and yield of crops. This solution reduces cost of food production and allows more efficient use of farmland.
Most countries are in need of environmental and sustainable solutions to improve crop yields. This interest fuels development of world greenhouse market, a long term growing market with huge business opportunities.

Cascade’s long-term objective is to become the world specialist in sunlight spectrum control solutions. Our objective is to become a new standard in the market.

CASCADE busines model is to sell concentrated optically active aditives to leading greenhouse film producers. 

CASCADE already performed 5 year trials in 6 countries proving agronomic performances on melon and patato crops. It has secured a contract with N°2 european film producer and generated strong interest from several large melon producers in France and Spain. First product is now ready to be launched late 2018.

CASCADE is planning to raise 1 M€ fir this summer. TRUFFLE CAPITAL existing investor in CASCADE will participate.



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